Monday, October 18, 2010

What now?

My family and I just bought our first home. We seal the deal Wednesday morning. We've known that it was ours for a while now. So, you'd *think* that I would have my sh!t packed and ready to go, right? WRONG! Dead wrong. I don't know where to even start! I've got a few boxes here and there, but I guess I'm just more of the type that wants a place to actually put my crap rather than packing it neatly in boxes and then having to unpack. I've rationalized this in my head many times and it makes perfect sense to me, but my responsible side feels the guilt that I'm sitting here writing a blog, rather than neatly folding dishes into bubble wrap. Responsibility sucks! And on that note, maybe I can sneak in a little nap before this Amp Overdrive kicks in.