Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things I'm willing to say because you have no idea I'm stalking your FB profile... Part I.

#001 - Going to college should mean more to you than "Oh, I'm in classes... that means I'm smart and better than you".

#002 - You really shouldn't have hooked up with her because I'm pretty darn sure she didn't tell you the whole truth.

#003 - I'm so glad you finally grew up.

#004 - What are we not friends over, again? Couldn't have been THAT big of a deal.

#005 - You totally look better with make-up.

#006 - I think it's pretty effed up that you have a million pictures of yourself, but none of your husband or kids.

#007 - Seriously... you're not "all that". Whoever continues to tell you that is only after one thing. And I'm willing to bet they always get it.

#008 - You were new in town several years ago, I hate to see the crowd you fell in with.

#009 - I really wished we hung out more.

#010 - There is seriously only one way you could have lost THAT MUCH weight. With a side of hearty O.M.G Hahahahaha.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, FB stalking... my favorite past time! Hilarious list!
